Resources and Activities in a Moodle course

A Moodle course is made up of many different parts. These split into two different general types:

Resources are things that contain information that can be read, viewed, downloaded or used in some way to extract that information.

Activities are things that engage you to do some work based on the resources you have used.

Resources and activities have their own icon so you can directly identify the type of the content: activity or resource. In the section below resources and activities are listed with their icon.


resourceResources are contents a teacher brings into the course. These can be prepared files uploaded to the course server; pages edited directly in Moodle; or external web pages. The following resource types may be encountered in a Moodle course :

This page is an example of a resource that is a HTML file.


The following activity types may be found in a Moodle course [NOTE: Some activity types might not be used in a MVCR course]. Activities generally involve some form of grading, whether automatically by the Moodle system or manually by your facilitators.