Administration / Supervision / Coaching

  • Provided leadership  in a manner that advances the company’s mission and promotes quality products and services to clients.
  • Overseen the strategic planning, marketing, budgeting, contracting, and implementing of all projects and initiatives within multiple organizations.
  • Led a team of consultants during client projects and responsible for analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating solutions for meeting clients’ needs.
  • Developed, implemented, and supervised an instructors’ peer coaching program.
  • Identified, hired, trained, and supervised Faculty Mentors.
  • Developed and supervised a Faculty Development Program that provided over 2,000 hours of training to 118 unique participants in its first year of implementation.
  • Developed processes and procedures for providing technical and pedagogical support to online instructors; Provided technical/pedagogical support to Global Campus instructors.
  • Created and facilitated bi-weekly and annual 2-day SUPERvisor training. Topics include hiring practices, strategies for performance monitoring/review, and developing obtainable, measurable, and observable goals, etc.
  • Coached SUPERvisors through difficult situations regarding employee relations including performance issues and termination of employment.