CuttingEd Apple LogoThe Cutting ED, Inc.
2008 to Present

The President and CEO position provides leadership  in a manner that advances the company’s mission and promote quality products and services to clients. Oversees the strategic planning, marketing, budgeting, contracting, and implementing of all projects and initiatives within the organization. Leads a team of consultants during client projects and responsible for analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating solutions for meeting clients’ needs.

Essential Responsibilities

  • Develop relationships with clients and promote business services based on client needs.
  • Monitor and respond to Request For Proposals (RFPs) by developing project bids based on RFP requirements.
  • Produce organizational and project-specific budgets and job estimates.
  • Oversee company operations to ensure efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources.
  • Review activity reports and financial statements to determine progress and status in attaining objectives and revise objectives and plans in accordance with current conditions.
  • Promote the company to local, regional, national, and international constituencies. by attending and presenting at professional conferences and networking with other organizations within the profession.
  • Manage multiple projects while overseeing the day-to-day operations of each project through completion.


  • Facilitated and guided the development of a community college’s five-year strategic plan for implementing blended and distance education programs as a way of meeting their community’s projected population growth.
  • Served as the project manager and lead instructional designer to develop an online course that trains victim advocates on how offenders use technology tools to stalk victims in collaboration with outside contractors and the National Center for Victims of Crimes. Project Website
  • Created administrative and instructor tutorials using TechSmith’s Camtasia on how to install and use Moodle for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Admin Tutorial | Teacher Tutorial